
来源:哇哈体育 2024-02-22 15:43:30 综合体育


近日,太阳球员德文-布克在全明星周末接受了记者采访,谈到了过去1年多次出现的70分。布克:“在我第一次那会,拿70分是很难的,现在每个人都能得到了。人们以高水平得分,球员的天赋史上最高,包括比赛的演化,球员们变得越来越好”。随后,数据分析师Kirk Goldsberry晒出近10年联盟最强进攻球队和进攻效率值折线图,进一步证实了布克的得分容易论。2015-16赛季73胜的勇士进攻效率联盟第一,他们的进攻效率(113.7)仅能排在第21位,低于猛龙队(本赛季进攻效率113.8),而猛龙队本赛季至今战绩为19胜36负。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!



So teams don't play defense anymore? Got it


All that shows is how easy it is to score rn.



This is why context, era-relative adjusted stats & per 75 stats are important when we try to compare teams from different era.

But it’s still amazing how big of a leap the league had in the last 6 years, in terms of offense.

这就是为什么当我们试图比较不同时代的球队时,背景、与时代相关的调整后统计数据和每 75个回合数据统计非常重要,但就进攻而言,联盟在过去6年中的飞跃仍然令人惊叹。

Adam Silver has ruined this league.



Take 10 more 3s/gm vs lesser defense and that’s the result


It’s abundantly clear, the players of today are just vastly more skilled than the players from 2016

很明显,现在的球员比 2016 年的球员技术高超得多。


Something switched in 2018. Between the 17-18 season and 18-19 season:

- Pace went from 97.3 to 100

- FGA went from 86.1 per game to 89.2

- 3PA went from 29.0 to 32.0

- FTA went from 21.7 to 23.1

3P% didn't vary much, but FG% did pre-2018 to now, increasing from around 45 to 47%


- 进攻回合从 97.3 增至100

- 场均投篮出手从86.1升至89.2

- 三分出手从29升至32

- 罚球出手数从21.7升至23.1,三分命中率变化不大,但投篮命中率从2018年之前到现在有变化,从45%左右增加到47%左右。

Here's the worst defense in the NBA every season since 2000-01, by points per 100 possessions.

以下是自 2000-01 年以来,NBA 每个赛季防守最差的球队,按每百回合失分计算。


Is this a tweet about Offense or Defense, I'm confused.

这是一条关于 "进攻 "还是 "防守 "的推文,我有点糊涂了。

Begs the question: what does the defensive efficiency look like over the same time period? Is the league playing worse (or less) defense, or are offenses just getting better? I suppose it would be hard to say with just the direction of the trend.


Yeah, they literally changed the game of basketball, that’s how it works. They were better at offense than anyone ever and everyone copied it. That’s how sports works. Adapt or lose. No one was ever beating this team with any other form of basketball.



It’s important to put this in context and compare it to the differential vs league average


I’m on my knees begging for the NBA to bring defense back


so raptors have a better offence than the best team of all time, nice


It's a combination of many things. I believe players are much more offensively skilled/talented now. Obviously, basically everyone shooting 3s now is also a factor. Rules and how they call fouls on the defensive end favors offense more. They have much faster pace.


It's incredible how this year's all-star game has damaged the nba's outlook lol



Stop blaming lack of defense. Or this era vs. just look around tell me how many guys have a shot that is pretty much unstoppable when they hit. Luka Yokic. Tatum. Dame. Now go back and tell me how many had that shot. Every one from 13 yrs to pros are better trained than ever.


that year was also the last NBA year that a team (the excellent Spurs team) had a sub-100 defensive rating, at 98.2.

the team that was worst in the league that year in defensive rating was the Lakers, with a 110.3 defensive rating. That rating would tie today with the Cavs for the 2nd best defense in the league.




Yup. The NBA has become exceedingly more boring over the past couple years as play variance has gone out the window. Who wants to watch all five players standing around the three-point line?

Positionless basketball was supposed to be interesting. Instead, rather than having five unique positions all fitting a specific role, you have one doing the same thing

是啊。在过去的几年里,NBA 变得异常无聊,因为比赛的变数已经消失殆尽。谁愿意看五个球员都站在三分线外?


It’s funny how street basketball mentality has gone to the NBA. When playing for 1s and 2s, you know how valuable taking 3-pts are. You’ll get people not wait for the offense - and defense to set - and jack up 3s.

This is pretty much the NBA now. Funny how it took a long time for the NBA to do the maths, something that was way more obvious when playing in the park back in the 90s even.


现在的 NBA 差不多就是这样,有趣的是,NBA 花了很长时间才计算出这一点,而在 90 年代,在公园打球时,这一点甚至更为明显。

The all star game is literally nothing like an NBA game. The reason offenses have gotten better is not that the defenses are worse or aren’t trying. It’s just the spacing is so good now. And if you want to watch good defense, watch some wolves games.



